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Lews Castle

Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm

Spiorad na Mara Notice to Mariners 004 v02
As laid positions of Fish Monitoring Survey Receivers

The fish monitoring receivers have been successfully laid.
Spiorad na Mara Ltd have successfully deployed a series of fish acoustic tagging receivers within the proposed Spiorad na Mara offshore windfarm array area by the vessel Walrus.
The receivers are deployed in the positions as outlined in section 2 and 6 of this notice. The receivers are estimated to be in place for a period of 4 months.
Each receiver and mooring does not extend >3m above the seabed (Figure 1: Fish tagging receiver). All receiver units are ‘acoustic release’ (Innovasea, AR) type with acoustic retrieval canister (ARC). There will therefore be no markers on the surface whilst the equipment is in situ. Markers will only be deployed when the equipment is to be retrieved and a work vessel is on site to retrieve the equipment.

Spiorad na Mara NtM 004 v02 Notice.


