Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Na Hearadh By-Election Timetable

Date of Poll: Thursday 04 July 2024

EventDays to PollDATE / TIME
First day to publish the notice of election-35Not earlier than
Wednesday 15 May 2024
(Publish Notice of Election on 20 May)
Delivery of nomination papers-34Each working day (between 10.00am and 4.00pm) from Tuesday 21 May 2024
Last day to publish notice of election-28Not later than Friday 24 May 2024
Deadline for the delivery of nomination papers-23Not later than 4.00pm on Monday 03 June 2024
Deadline for withdrawal of nomination-23Not later than 4.00pm on Monday 03 June 2024
Deadline for notification of appointment of election agents-23Not later than 4.00pm on Monday 03 June 2024
Publication of notice of poll-23As soon as practicable after 4.00pm on Monday 03 June 2024
Issue of Voter’s Pollcardsn/sTuesday 4 June 2024
Registration deadline-12Midnight on Tuesday 18 June 2024
Deadline for new applications to vote by proxy (not postal proxy), except for medical emergencies-11Not later than 5.00pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024
Issue of Postal Votesn/sMonday 24 June 2024
Deadline for new applications to vote by proxy (not postal proxy), except for medical emergencies-6Not later than 5.00pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024
Deadline for notification of appointment of polling and counting agents-5Thursday 27 June 2024
First date that electors can apply for replacements for lost postal votes-4Friday 28 June 2024
POLLING DAY07.00am – 10.00pm on Thursday 04 July 2024
Deadline for emergency proxy applications0Not later than 5.00pm on Thursday 04 July 2024
Last time for re-issue of spoilt and lost postal votes0Not later than 10.00pm on Thursday 04 July 2024
Last time to alter the register due to clerical error or court appeal0Not later than 9.00pm on Thursday 04 July 2024
COUNTFrom 10am on Friday 05 July 2024
Last day to submit election spending returns+35Friday 09 August 2024
Na-Hearadh By-Election Timetable