Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Building Standards

The Building Standards contact is:
Phone:  Stornoway  01851 822692;  Balivanich 01870 602425

Latest updates

  • The New Build Heat Standards – From April 2024, changes to building regulations will mean new homes and buildings will not be allowed to use direct emission (or polluting) heating systems like oil and gas boilers, and bioenergy. Instead, they will need to use climate-friendly alternatives like heat pumps and heat networks (also referred to as clean heating systems).
  • Building Warrant Fee Increases 2024 – Building warrant fees will increase from 1 April 2024 following a Public Consultation in 2023. Fees are being increased to support the changes being introduced to strengthen the building standards system through the work of the Futures Board programme.