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Lews Castle

Category: Notice to Mariners

  • Deploy Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler – Loch Duart

    Information for Notice to Mariners Full details can be viewed in the NtM SoH 24072024 Notice This notice is to inform that Loch Duart Ltd (LDL) aim to deploy one Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) in the Sound of Harris, approximately 135 m off the east coast of Lingay, at 40m depth, for the period of…

  • Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm

    NtM Number NtM 002_v05 Spiorad na Mara Windfarm/Floating LiDAR and Wave Buoy Service and Seabed Mooring Recovery Full details can be viewed in the NtM Number NtM 002_v05 Notice Partrac Ltd. is scheduled to inspect a metocean equipment seabed mooring within the Spiorad na Mara offshore wind farm site using the vessel Mar Fortune (Section…

  • NTM Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD)-Skye to South Uist Marine Surveys

    The purpose of this (NtM) is to outline that the working area for the survey vessel has increased due to the vessels turning requirements.  Related Documents

  • NLB NTM – Duncansby Head – AIS

    Mariners are advised that, on or about 8 AUGUST 2024, AIS will be transmitted as an Aid to Navigation (AtoN)from this station. Related Documents Duncansby Head – AIS

  • Notice to Mariners: Metocean and Floating LiDAR Buoy Deployment – Talisk Offshore Wind Project

    This notice is to inform that Green Rebel, an behalf of Magnora Offshore Wind, aims to deploy one (1) Floating LiDAR System buoy and one (1) Directional Wave Rider buoy at the Talisk Offshore Wind site, approximately 30km north of the Isle of Lewis for a minimum period of 24-months. Weather dependant, deployment of both…

  • NTM 04 Re-Establishment of Permanent Light

    With reference to NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 08 of 2022 (DATED 24 JUNE 2022), notice is given that, on orabout 21 JULY 2024, the permanent light at this station will be re-established with the undernotedcharacteristics: NTM 04 of 2024 With reference to NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 07 of 2022 (DATED 26 MAY 2022), notice is…

  • Metocean and Floating LiDAR Buoy Deployment – Talisk Offshore Wind Project

    This notice is to inform that Green Rebel, an behalf of Magnora Offshore Wind, aims to deploy one (1) Floating LiDAR System buoy and one (1) Directional Wave Rider buoy at the Talisk Offshore Wind site, approximately 30km north of the Isle of Lewis for a minimum period of 24-months.Weather dependant, deployment of both buoys…

  • Notice to Mariners – Loch Erisort Marine Survey – Laxay to Kershader

    Mariners are advised that all overwater geophysical surveys conducted by Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd (on behalf of SHEPD) within Loch Erisort, Isle of Lewis are now complete and the survey vessel has demobilised.  For further information download the Notice to Mariners – Loch Erisort Marine Survey (Laxay to Kershader) document.

  • NTM 01/2024 Acarsaid Harbour Pontoons

    NTM 01/2024 – Acarsaid Harbour Pontoons, Isle of Eriskay – 30 May 2024 Mariners are advised that a Dive Team will be carrying out inspections of the mooring system associated with the pontoon at Acarsaid, Eriskay on Thursday 30th May 2024. Please keep all vessels clear of the pontoon area and clear of all diving…

  • NTM01(SSEN) – Loch Erisort Marine Survey

    Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD)Loch Erisort Marine Survey – Laxay to Kershader On the instruction of Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution [herein SHEPD], a survey campaign is required to provide detailed information on the seabed characteristics and current velocity of an area within Loch Erisort, Isle of Lewis to enable a route engineering feasibility…