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Lews Castle

Council Tax Bands and Charges 2023/24

Council Tax and Scottish Water Charges 2023/24 – Band D

2023/242022/23%age inc
Council Tax Band D£1,290.75£1,229.295.00%
Water Charge£232.47£221.405.00%
Wastewater Charge£269.82£257.044.97%
Net Band D Bill£1,793.04£1,707.735.00%
CnES Council Tax and Scottish Water Charges 2023/24 – Band D

Council Tax and Scottish Water Charges 2023/24

BandingProperty value at 1991 pricesCouncil TaxWaterWastewaterNet Total
Aup to £27,000£860.50£154.98£179.88£1,195.36
B£27,001 to £35,000£1,003.92£180.81£209.86£1,394.59
C£35,001 to £45,000£1,147.33£206.64£239.84£1,593.81
D£45,001 to £58,000£1,290.75£232.47£269.82£1,793.04
E£58,001 to £80,000£1,695.90£284.13£329.78£2,309.81
F£80,001 to £106,000£2,097.47£335.79£389.74£2,823.00
G£106,001 to £212,000£2,527.72£387.45£449.70£3,364.87
Hover £212,001£3,162.34£464.94£539.64£4,166.92
CnES Council Tax and Scottish Water Charges 2023/24