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Lews Castle

Timetable for a UK Parliamentary General Election

Date of Poll: Thursday 04 July 2024

The days which are disregarded in calculating the timetable for a UK Parliamentary election are Saturday, Sunday, bank holidays and any day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning.

EventDate (Time)
Publication of notice of electionFriday 31 May (10am)
Delivery of nomination papersUntil Friday 7 June (4pm)
Deadline for delivery of nomination papersFriday 7 June (4pm)
Deadline for withdrawals of nominationFriday 7 June (4pm)
Making objections to nomination papers   (except for objections on the grounds that an individual candidate may be disqualified under the Representation of the People Act 1981 – see Commission guidance)Friday 7 June (10am – 5pm) 10am – 12noon objections can be made to all delivered nomination papers   12noon – 5pm only on those nomination papers delivered after 4pm on 6 June
Deadline for the notification of appointment of election agentFriday 7 June (4pm)
Publication of statement of persons nominated, including notice of poll and situation of polling stationsFriday 7 June (5pm) If objection(s) are made: not before objection(s) are disposed of but not later than Monday 10 June (4pm)
Publication of first interim election notice of alterationFriday 7 June
Deadline for receiving applications for registrationTuesday 18 June
Deadline for receiving new postal vote and postal proxy applications, and for changes to existing postal or proxy votesWednesday 19 June (5pm)
Deadline for receiving new applications to vote by proxy (not postal proxy or emergency proxies)Wednesday 26 June (5pm)
Deadline for receiving applications for Voter Authority CertificatesWednesday 26 June (5pm)
Publication of second interim election notice of alterationBetween Monday 10 June and Wednesday 26 June
Publication of final election notice of alterationThursday 27 June
Deadline for notification of appointment of polling and counting agentsThursday 27 June
First date that electors can apply for a replacement for lost postal votesFriday 28 June
Deadline for notification of appointment of sub agentsTuesday 2 July
Last time for re-issue of spoilt or lost postal votesThursday 4 July (5pm)
Deadline for emergency proxy applicationsThursday 4 July (5pm)
Last time to alter the register due to clerical error or court appealThursday 4 July (9pm)
Deadline for production of temporary Voter Authority CertificateThursday 4 July (10pm)
UK Parliamentary Election Timetable
UK Election Banner v2