Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Council Tax Bands and Charges 2021/22

Council Tax and Scottish Water Charges 2021/22 – Band D

2021/222020/21%age inc
Council Tax Band D£1,193.49£1,193.490.00%
Water Charge£212.49£207.362.47%
Wastewater Charge£246.69£240.752.47%
Net Band D Bill£1,652.67£1,641.600.67%
CnES Council Tax and Scottish Water Charges 2021/22 – Band D

Council Tax and Scottish Water Charges 2021/22

BandingProperty value at 1991 pricesCouncil TaxWaterWastewaterNet Total
Aup to £27,000£795.66£141.66£164.46£1,101.78
B£27,001 to £35,000£928.27£165.27£191.87£1,285.41
C£35,001 to £45,000£1,060.88£188.88£219.28£1,469.04
D£45,001 to £58,000£1,193.49£212.49£246.69£1,652.67
E£58,001 to £80,000£1,568.11£259.71£301.51£2,129.33
F£80,001 to £106,000£1,939.42£306.93£356.33£2,602.68
G£106,001 to £212,000£2,337.25£354.15£411.15£3,102.55
Hover £212,001£2,924.05£424.98£493.38£3,842.41
CnES Council Tax and Scottish Water Charges 2021/22

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