Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

NTM 004 – Spiorad na Mara Windfarm/Floating LiDAR and Wave Buoy update

Metocean equipment was deployed within the proposed Spiorad na Marawind project array area during October 2023. This included one floating LiDAR (FLIDAR) buoy, which is scheduled to remain on site for a period of 24 months, and two Datawell Waverider buoys.
The equipment has been successfully serviced after recent storm damage to a seabed mooring. The damaged mooring remains in its original position with 100m of submerged cable attached. The mooring is in <> 50m and is not considered a hazard to navigation or commercial fisheries activities. The mooring will be recovered as soon as an appropriate vessel becomes available.

For further information download the Spiorad na Mara Windfarm/Floating LiDAR and Wave Buoy update document.


