Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Author: Susan McGrath

  • UK Parliamentary Election Voter ID: Reminder

    The Returning Officer at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is reminding voters in the Western Isles of the requirement for Voter ID at the next UK Parliamentary General Election. Although no date has been set for the Election it is important that members of the public are prepared so that they are ready to participate and…

  • Sport and Health Update

    Following the Comhairle’s budget setting process changes to the Slàinte Mhath Membership scheme, pay as you go prices and Sports facility opening hours will come into effect from 1 April 2024. Budget Context In January Cllr Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, noted that the Scottish Government’s Financial Settlement had left the Comhairle…

  • Comhairle Welcomes New Homes for Leverburgh

    The Comhairle has welcomed the news that Hebridean Housing Partnership will be taking forward the development of 12 new social rented homes in Leverburgh, Isle of Harris. The new homes, to be located on Ferry Road, will provide a much-needed opportunity for the community, helping to address immediate housing needs in South Harris, as well…

  • Lochmaddy Pier Opened

    At a ceremony in Lochmaddy Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Transport today formally opened Lochmaddy Pier. The Scottish Government funded Lochmaddy Pier upgrade works, delivered by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, has seen the length of the pier extended and a series of improvements implemented.  The upgrade works have been completed as part of the…

  • Sanas Clàraidh 2024

    Notice of Enrolment 2024 Clàradh Airson Sgoiltean & Ionadan 2024 Tha clàradh a-nis fosgailte airson clann sgoil-àraich, BS1 agus ÀS1 ann an sgoiltean agus ionadan na Comhairle airson Lùnastal 2024 air adhart. Bu chòir dha pàrantan is luchd-cùraim an cuid cloinne a tha ion-roghnach a chlàradh ro Dhihaoine 8mh Màrt 2024. Faodar foirmichean-clàraidh airson gach…

  • Notice of Enrolment 2024

    Sanas Clàraidh 2024 Enrolment To Schools and Centres 2024 Enrolment is now open for children entering nursery, P1 and S1 in Comhairle schools and centres for August 2024 onwards. Parents and carers should enrol eligible children by Friday 8th March 2024. Enrolment forms for all stages can be accessed at:  Enrolments 2024-25 Gaelic First The Comhairle…

  • Athlete Travel Award Scheme (April – October 2024)

    Open from Monday 19th February 2024. The application and accompanying guidance can be found on the Sport and Leisure section of the website. The Islands Athlete Travel Award Scheme allows Athletes from the Outer Hebrides the opportunity to benefit from the program designed to support travel costs in the islands. The aim of this scheme…

  • Sports Activities – Mid Term Holiday

    Sport  and Health will be offering the following sports activities for primary age children over the February mid-term break (16th – 21 February 2024) in Lewis and Harris. To book a place use the Lewis or Harris Sport Centre app, all prices are on the app. Friday 16 February 2024 Activity Activity Time Venue Football…

  • Comhairle Urges Prospective Community Generators to Secure Grid Space

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is calling on community groups with renewable energy generation aspirations to contact Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to secure space on the new 1.8GW Transmission Link which will connect the Western Isles to the National Grid. The Transmission Link was recently approved by electricity regulator, OFGEM, and SSEN’s Transmission division…

  • Comhairle Heritage Service: Museum Opening Hours and Archive Services

    Museum nan Eilean at both Stornoway and Lionacleit will continue to operate on reduced opening hours during the low season. This reduction in opening hours is to allow for staff to focus on the rebuilding of systems following the cyber-attack on 7 November. From January, Museum nan Eilean at Stornoway has been open from 1-4pm…