Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle


Northern lighthouse Board
Notice to Mariners No. 3 of 2024

The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLA) will be undertaking a review of Aids to Navigation provision around
the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland during 2024. The Review will be published in 2025 and will inform the
GLAs’ work plans for the following five year period.

The GLA provide a comprehensive and sustainable network of Aids to Navigation for General Navigation and
are responsible for the Superintendence and Management of Local Aids to Navigation provided by Local
Lighthouse Authorities.

The SOLAS Convention requires the provision of “such Aids to Navigation as the volume of traffic justifies and
the degree of risk requires”. The 2025 review will consider all AtoN on the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland,
both individually and as AtoN systems.

The GLA consider good quality user input to be an essential component of this review. Users of Marine Aids to
Navigation are invited to contribute to the review by commenting on:

  • The usefulness and usability of existing Aids to Navigation provided by the GLAs
  • Any proposed requirement for the provision of new Aids to Navigation
  • The mix of Aids to Navigation provided including lighthouses, buoys, beacons, Racons and AIS AtoN
  • The benefit to users of providing additional data from AtoN such as meteorological data
  • The effectiveness of systems used to promulgate information relating to Aids to Navigation
  • Any other Aids to Navigation related issues

Comments regarding the provision of Aids to Navigation around Scotland and the Isle of Man should be
addressed to


M P Bullock
Northern Lighthouse Board


