Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Trading Standards Issues Scam Warning

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Trading Standards is warning residents about an Inheritance Scam letter that is targeting local addresses.

The scam takes the form of a letter purporting to be from a foreign bank and claiming that the recipient of the letter is the sole beneficiary of a large sum of money from a deceased distant family member.  As usual with scams, they are attempting to gain information about you, particularly financial information, to attempt to take your money.

Jane Gibbons, CnES Trading Standards, said:

“At this time of year scams are on the increase, scammers take advantage of the fact that most people have many things on their mind to juggle and perhaps won’t take enough time to think about what is happening.  Please take care in dealing with letters, emails or incoming calls that may be unexpected as it could be a scam.”  

While there are no direct links to the recent cyber-attack experienced by CnES, there are concerns that opportunistic scammers may have seen reports of the attack and subsequently targeted individuals in the Western Isles.

If you have been approached by or think you are the victim of a scam please report it to Trading Standards on 07816 369899 or email

You can also receive free and confidential advice by contacting Advice Direct Scotland, a dedicated consumer advice service to provide advice, assistance and information to people on a range of consumer issues and concerns.  They can be contacted on 0808 164 6000 or alternatively by email at


