Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Successful Young Scot NEC Roll-Out to P7 pupils

Young Scot Magazine Cover

Primary 7 pupils across the Western Isles have been receiving their Young Scot National Entitlement Cards (NEC) in recent weeks. Using their new cards, pupils can access free bus travel for under 22s, get discounts – including 10% off at the Co-op and many more across Scotland – and use the PASS-accredited Young Scot NEC as proof of age.
This year, pupils also get a copy of the new Young Scot magazine which is crammed with useful information. During P7 transition the magazine will be delivered to pupils by the Community Learning and Development team and school staff.

Young people can also sign up to earn Reward points on the Young Scot website. Points can be used to claim Rewards, enter competitions or even donate to charity. The Young Scot website has information on all kinds of topics, from mental health to travel, and parents can be confident that the information is quality assured and produced especially for young people.

Children reading Young Scot magazine

The Young Scot NEC is available free of charge to everyone aged 11-25 living in Scotland. 
For any Young Scot NEC queries, to replace a lost card or update a photograph, contact the Young Scot Western Isles team on


