Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Sport and Health Uni-hoc Competition

November saw Sport and Health offering primary 5-7 children the opportunity to take part in a uni-hoc competition, in the Lewis Sports Centre.

The competition was offered to all schools in Lewis & Harris and 44 teams entered from both islands. The teams competed over 3 weeks of group matches, with the top team from each group attending the finals night in the Lewis Sports Centre on Wednesday 29th November.

The finals night saw the 11 teams playing in 4 groups, with the top 4 teams progressing to the semi-finals. The semi-finals were contested between Sats Lions v Lionel Strikers and Red Crackers v Salty Chips, with Lionel Strikers and Red Crackers making the final.

The final was played over 12 minutes with Red Crackers eventually taking the medals.

The competition was played in a great spirit, with all teams showing excellent sportsmanship, respecting the officials & rules, supporting their fellow teammates, being positive and most importantly, having fun.

The aim of the competition was for children to have fun and compete to the best of their abilities.

Those watching commented how the competition was played in great spirit, and how it was fantastic to see children from all over Lewis and Harris competing against each other. Uni-hoc is a fun and inclusive sport and allows our young people a chance to compete to the best of their abilities in competition.

Sports Development Services would like to thank all the volunteers/teachers/parents for supervising the teams on the night, the Sports Centre staff and the pupils that participated over the 4 weeks.


