Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Santa’s Grotto Raises Money for Local Charity

Pointers Lewis and Harris has thanked all who attended their Santa’s Grotto on 28 November. The Grotto at the Pointers Youth Centre was well attended by families as part of this year’s Christmas Lights event.  The Grotto was designed and created by Pointers’ Young Carers Group with support from Eleanor at An Lanntair. 

Visitors to the grotto were asked to make donations which this year raised £200 for Crossroads Lewis.  Following the successful event, a group of Pointers’ young people presented the money to Crossroads Lewis.

A massive thank you and well done to all involved.

Photo in the grotto with children
Grotto photo with Santa



