Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Maoin an YLAG ga chur air bhog

Na bu tràithe an t-seachdain sa, chuir buidheann-òg OH CLLD a’ chuairt-mhaoineachaidh aca, an YLAG Fund, air bhog. Tha am maoin seo ag amas air a bhith a’ cuideachadh bhuidhnean coimhearsnachd no carthanais a nì feum do dhaoine òga – ’s e sin an fheadhainn fo 30 – anns na h-Eileanan Siar. Faodar cur a-steach son suas ri £4,000.

Feumaidh iarrtasan soirbheachail a shealltain gun cuir iad ri co-dhiù aon de thrì prìomhachasan: dùthchas & dualchas; toirt cothruim do dhaoine òga sgilean ùra, luachmhòr ionnsachadh; agus toirt seachad buannachd sòisealta m.e. le bhith a’ dèiligeadh ri aonaranachd no a’ leasachadh slàinte-inntinn, slàinte-corporra agus ion-ghabhaltas. Thèid cuideachd a mheas a bheil buaidh leantainneach gu bhith aig pròiseactan, am faighear luach an airgid agus an gabh an coileanadh san ùine a th’ ann, agus gheibh pròiseactan a nì feum do dhaoine òga a tha no a bha fo chùram, a tha ciorramach, nam pàirt de mhion-bhuidheann no air a bheil bochdainn a’ toirt buaidh, puingean a bharrachd. Bidh am maoineachadh gu sònraichte freagarrach airson thachartasan no pàigheadh airson taic bho eòlaiche a leithid còidse no oide.

Feumaidh iarrtasan a bhith a-staigh ro mheadhan-oidhche air Dimàirt 2na den Fhaoilleach 2024 agus feumaidh an t-airgead a bhith ga chosg air pròiseactan eadar 20mh den Fhaoilleach agus 29mh den Ghearran 2024. Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh cho math ris an fhoirm-iarrtais an seo fon cheann “Youth LAG

Tha YLAG a’ seasamh airson Youth Local Action Group, no buidheann-gnìomh òg, agus tha e iad nam pàirt de sgeama Leasachadh fo Stiùir na Coimhearsnachd (CLLD) aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba. ’S e seo an treas bliadhna a bhios an YLAG a’ toirt seachad maoineachaidh do phròiseactan a nì feum do dhaoine òga anns na h-Eileanan. A bharrachd air buaidh nam pròiseactan fhèin, ionnsaichidh buill na buidhne sgilean cudromach as urrainn dhaibh a chur gu feum gu math nan coimhearsnachdan aca no ann an iomadh suidheachadh eile. A bharrachd air a’ toirt seachad maoineachaidh, tha buill an YLAG a’ gabhail ùidh ann an gnothaichean poileataigeach agus chaidh còignear gu Pàrlamaid Dhùthchail na h-Alba ’s nan Eilean (SRIP) anns a’ Ghearasdan bho chionn ghoirid. An sin fhuair iad cothrom bruidhinn ri luchd-poileataigs cho math ri daoine eile bho air feadh Alba a tha an sàs ann an leasachadh choimhearsnachdan dùthchail agus buidhnean a tha ag obair ann an sgìrean dùthchail. Thug iad seachad taisbeanadh do Mhairi Gougeon, Rùnaire Chaibineit airson Ghnòthaichean Dùthchail, Ath-Leasachadh Fearainn agus Eileanan, agus ’s i an Leas-Phrìomh-mhinistear Shona Robison a thug a’ Phàrlamaid gu ceannn. Sa bhliadhn-ùir bidh an YLAG, ann an co-bhonn le YLAGan à pàirtean eile de dh’Alba, ag obair air film goirid a thaisbeanaicheas obair is amasan na buidhne, mus tionndaidh iad ri planaichean airson 2024-25.

Dealbh: Buill an YLAG agus Co-òrdanaiche CLLD Innse Gall aig Pàrlamaid Dhùthchail na h-Alba ’s nan Eilean

YLAG Fund Launched

Earlier this week, the OH CLLD Youth Local Action Group launched their funding round, the so-called YLAG Fund. The funding aims to support community groups and charities that support young people under 30 in the Outer Hebrides, where they can apply for up to £4,000.

Successful applications must demonstrate that they will contribute to at least one of three priorities: Dùthchas & dualchas (These two Gaelic terms are not easily translated into English but encompass a wide range of activities, sentiments and attitudes related to life in the Outer Hebrides. They could cover activity geared towards sustainability and environmental goals, traditional skills and activities, or Gaelic language and heritage.); enabling young people to acquire and develop valuable skills; and providing a social benefit e.g. by addressing issues such as loneliness and isolation, and contributing to better mental health, physical fitness and inclusivity. Applications will also be assessed on long-term impact, value for money and whether they are achievable within the given timeframe, and projects which demonstrate a particularly benefit to young people who are care-experienced, disabled, affected by poverty or part of a marginalised group, will be regarded preferentially.

Applications must be submitted by midnight on 2nd January 2024 and funding spent on projects between 20th January and 29th February 2024. Further information as well as the application form can be accessed on the “Youth LAG” section of the CLLD page. 

The YLAG are part of the Scottish Government’s Community Lhttp://LAGed Local Development (CLLD) initiative, and this is the third year they will be offering funding for projects which support young islanders. As well as the impact of the funded projects, YLAG members will learn important skills they can apply to benefit their communities or in a range of other situations. As well as awarding funding, the group is taking an active interest in political matters and recently five members attended the Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament (SRIP) in Fort William. There they had the opportunity to speak to politicians as well as other young people involved in rural community development across Scotland and groups that work in rural settings. They delivered a presentation to Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, and Deputy First Minister Shona Robison delivered the Parliament’s closing address. In the new year, the YLAG in collaboration with YLAGs from other areas in Scotland, will produce a short film to highlight what their achievements and ambitions, before they will turn their attention to planning for 2024-25.




