Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Liniclate: 24 July – 8 August 2024

Wednesday 24 July 2024

ActivityTimeAge GroupCost (Non-Members/Slàinte MhathVenue
Motiv8 Morning Club (Active Games, Pool, & Fun Cooking)10:00-12:30
(Registration 09:45-10:00)
5 – 12 years£13.00 / £6.50Liniclate Sports Centre
Motiv8 Afternoon Club (Sport, Welly Planting & Art*)1pm -3pm (Registration 12:50-13:00)5 – 12 years£10.60 / £5.30Liniclate Sports Centre
Liniclate Summer Motiv8 Activities – Wednesday 24 July

Thursday 25 July 2024

ActivityTimeAge GroupCost (Non-Members/Slàinte MhathVenue
Motiv8 Morning Club (Active Games, Pool, & Fun Cooking)10:00-12:30
(Registration 09:45-10:00)
5 – 12 years£13.00 / £6.50Liniclate Sports Centre
Motiv8 Afternoon Club (Mini Sports, *Nerf & EDF Welly Planting & Art*)1pm -3pm (Registration 12:50-13:00)5 – 12 years
*Nerf 8+ years
£10.60 / £5.30Liniclate Sports Centre
Liniclate Summer Motiv8 Activities – Thursday 25 July

Tuesday 6 August 2024

ActivityTimeAge GroupCost (Non-Members/Slàinte MhathVenue
Motiv8 Morning Club (Active Games, Pool, & Fun Cooking)10:00-12:30
(Registration 09:45-10:00)
5 – 12 years£13.00 / £6.50Liniclate Sports Centre
Motiv8 Afternoon Club (Multi-Sports, Art & Games)1pm -3pm (Registration 12:50-13:00)5 – 12 years
£10.60 / £5.30Liniclate Sports Centre
Liniclate Summer Motiv8 Activities – Tuesday 6 August

Wednesday 7 August 2024

ActivityTimeAge GroupCost (Non-Members/Slàinte MhathVenue
Motiv8 Morning Club (Active Games, Pool, & Fun Cooking)10:00-12:30
(Registration 09:45-10:00)
5 – 12 years£13.00 / £6.50Liniclate Sports Centre
Motiv8 Afternoon Club (Mini-Sports, *Nerf & Art & Games)1pm -3pm (Registration 12:50-13:00)5 – 12 years
*Nerf 8+ years
£10.60 / £5.30Liniclate Sports Centre
Liniclate Summer Motiv8 Activities – Wednesday 7 August

Thursday 8 August 2024

ActivityTimeAge GroupCost (Non-Members/Slàinte MhathVenue
Motiv8 Morning Club (Active Games, Pool, & Fun Cooking) – Olympic Themed Day10:00-12:30
(Registration 09:45-10:00)
5 – 12 years£13.00 / £6.50Liniclate Sports Centre
Motiv8 Afternoon Club
Multi-Activity – Olympic Themed Day
1pm -3pm (Registration 12:50-13:00)5 – 12 years£10.60 / £5.30Liniclate Sports Centre
Liniclate Summer Motiv8 Activities – Thursday 8 August

Activity Description

*Welly Design – Multi-generational Uist & Barra community project to decorate preloved wellies and plant flowers in them to create a display for EDF.