Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Education and Children’s Services – Temporary Contacts

SectionTelephone Number
General Enquiries – ECS Stornoway07813 396125
General Enquiries – ECS LEC07811 712212
Children’s Social Work (Business Hours)01851 822749
Children’s Social Work (Out of Hours)01851 701702
Sport and Health01851 822800

Library Service

No temporary phone number available but the Western Isles Library Website is fully functioning.

Schools and Nurseries – Backup Telephone Numbers

SchoolTelephone Number
Back01851 820230
Back Nursery01851 822895
Balivanich01870 604886
Breasclete01851 822890
Castlebay01871 810100
Daliburgh01878 700276
Eoligarry01871 817231
e-Sgoil07929 854346
Iochdar01870 604891
Iochdar Nursery01870 604894
Laxdale01851 702171
Leverhulme01859 502980
Lionel01851 810208
Nicolson Institute01851 707000
Pairc01851 822883
Sgoil an Rubha01851 870641
Sgoil Lionacleit01870 603690
Sgoil nan Loch01851 705187
Sgoil an Taobh Siar01851 701602
Sgoil an Taobh Siar Nursery01851 822845
Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath01870 604 884
Shawbost01851 710212
Shawbost Nursery01851 822864
Sir E Scott01859 502900
Sir E Scott Nursery01859 502960
Stornoway Primary01851 703418
Stornoway Primary Nursery01851 822878
Stornoway Childcare Centre01851 822887
Tong01851 822873
Uig01851 822872