Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Commences Rebuilding Process Following Cyber-Attack

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is making steady progress in our work to restore the full delivery of services following the cyber-attack on 7 November.

The investigative team has again reported that there is no indication that the information stored on the Comhairle’s servers has been extracted or published. 

While this investigation continues the Comhairle is working to restore and permanently rebuild impacted systems.

This restorative work is being led by the Comhairle’s Incident Management Team who has created a framework for prioritising the rebuilding process.

This process will allow the Comhairle’s IT team to deliver permanent solutions for services where the continued use of temporary processes would have a negative impact on the Comhairle and those who rely on the Comhairle’s services.

Throughout this rebuilding process the Comhairle is continuing to work with Police Scotland, the National Cyber Security Centre, and Scottish Government as part of the ongoing criminal investigation.

Malcolm Burr, Chief Executive of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said:

“It has now been a month since the Comhairle was the victim of a cyber-attack. Thanks to the work of the Comhairle’s IT team, the adaptability of employees and the cooperation of partner organisations the Comhairle has been able to continue to deliver most services. This has been a real positive for the authority at a challenging time.

“While we remain optimistic that more information will become accessible it is important that the Comhairle works proactively to restore systems and create long-term processes, ensuring the delivery of services to the public and relieving pressure on staff. This process will incur a financial cost which the Comhairle will assess, budget for and where necessary seek Government support.”


