Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Author: Iain

  • Deploy Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler – Loch Duart

    Information for Notice to Mariners Full details can be viewed in the NtM SoH 24072024 Notice This notice is to inform that Loch Duart Ltd (LDL) aim to deploy one Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) in the Sound of Harris, approximately 135 m off the east coast of Lingay, at 40m depth, for the period of…

  • Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm

    NtM Number NtM 002_v05 Spiorad na Mara Windfarm/Floating LiDAR and Wave Buoy Service and Seabed Mooring Recovery Full details can be viewed in the NtM Number NtM 002_v05 Notice Partrac Ltd. is scheduled to inspect a metocean equipment seabed mooring within the Spiorad na Mara offshore wind farm site using the vessel Mar Fortune (Section…

  • Small Vessels Replacement Programme

    Cllr Uisdean Robertson has reacted to Scottish Government’s announcement that Phase 1 of the Small Vessels Replacement Programme will not provide any ferries to serve routes in the Western Isles. Scottish Government announced on Tuesday 16 July that they will procure seven new electric ferries to “help support island communities and improve the resilience of…

  • Postal Voting Update

    Royal Mail has confirmed that the 2nd issue of postal ballot packs for the UK General Election will be delivered in Lewis and Harris today. The Uist postal ballot packs have been delivered to the Uist Sorting Office by the mail plane this morning and should be out for delivery either today or tomorrow. The Barra postal…

  • Armed Forces Day Flag Raised

    The Armed Forces Day flag was raised at an event in Perceval Square, Stornoway on Monday 24 June. The flag lowering ceremony will take place at 6pm on Monday 15 July. Cllr Kenny Macleod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Iain Macaulay, Lord Lieutenant of the Western Isles and armed forces representatives were in attendance at…

  • Positive Inspection for Sgoil Bhaile a’ Mhanaich agus Sgoil Àraich

    Positive Inspection for Sgoil Bhaile a’ Mhanaich agus Sgoil Àraich Recognising Very Good Practice Education Scotland has published the report of the April 2024 inspection of Sgoil Bhaile a’ Mhanaich agus Sgoil Àraich carried out in conjunction with the Care Inspectorate. The Education Scotland HMI report recognises many positive strengths of the school with inspectors…

  • Streetlighting Hours Reduced

    The Comhairle, in consideration of budget savings, has agreed to reduce the time that streetlights are switched on by an hour. This change will affect areas where streetlights currently go off at 11pm, these lights will now be programmed to switch off at 10pm. The changing of time clocks will commence over the summer months in…

  • UK Parliament Election: Important Information and Key Dates

    Residents in Na h-Eileanan an Iar are being urged to prepare ahead of the UK Parliamentary General Election taking place on Thursday 4 July 2024. For the first time, voters will need to show photographic ID to vote in a UK Parliamentary General Election. Residents are being advised to make sure they are ready to vote…

  • Tribute Paid to Depute Chief Executive

    Calum Iain Maciver, Depute Chief Executive of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, attended his final meeting of the Comhairle’s Sustainable Development Committee on 18 June. Calum Iain leaves the Comhairle at the end of June following 21 years of service. Speaking at the meeting Cllr Donald Crichton, Chair of the Comhairle’s Sustainable Development Committee paid tribute…

  • Opportunity to Work in Homecare

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is recruiting to the role of Homecare and Reablement Assistants. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is looking to attract new home care staff to permanent posts with opportunities for progression and benefits. Staff recruited from out with the Western Isles will benefit from Key worker housing status and relocation packages. The role…