Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

The Development Plan

The Development Plan of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is comprised of National Planning Framework 4 and the Outer Hebrides Local Development Plan.

Current Development Plan

On 19 November 2018 the Comhairle adopted the Outer Hebrides Local Development Plan. This replaces and supersedes the Local Development Plan that was adopted in 2012.

Supplementary Guidance

As part of the Outer Hebrides Local Development Plan the Comhairle has adopted the following Supplementary Guidances.

National Planning Policy

In January 2023 the Scottish Parliament approved the Fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4).  This document was adopted and published by Scottish Ministers on 13 February 2023, at which point it became part of the statutory development plan and so influence planning decisions across Scotland. NPF4 supersedes National Planning Framework 3 and Scottish Planning Policy.

NPF4 is a long-term plan for Scotland that sets out where development and infrastructure is needed. Looking ahead to 2045 it will guide spatial development, set out national planning policies, designate national developments, and highlight regional spatial priorities.

Development Plan Scheme

The Comhairle is required to publish a Development Plan Scheme (DPS) to set out the stages, programme and consultation arrangements for preparing the new Plan. The DPS is reviewed annually to reflect progress with the Plan preparation. The Comhairle is publishing a draft DPS 2024 due to changes in Planning Legislation that require public consultation on the Participation Statement element of the DPS. The finalised version of the DPS will be republished in due course.

Development Plan Scheme 2024

View Previous Development Plan Schemes

Draft Participation Statement

The Participation Statement is in draft format and is subject public consultation and takes into account draft guidance on Community Engagement. When engaging with stakeholders and the general public the National Standards for Community Engagement will be taken into account.  The Comhairle welcomes your views on the content of the draft Participation Statement.  Please respond to by 9th August 2024

Community Engagement

The Comhairle’s Development Plan Team is committed to meaningful community engagement. It seeks to:

  • involve a range of interests, build on early engagement, particularly with communities, key agencies, identified groups, and other stakeholders, to inform the shape of plans, proposals and guidance;
  • engage with underrepresented/ hard to reach groups
  • take into account the National Standards for Community Engagement;
  • tailor consultation to different plan stages, document types and/or interest groups;
  • provide communications/documents that are easily accessible and easy to understand;
  • listen to and fully consider representations; and maintain an open and transparent consultation process.

As work progresses on new or revised Supplementary Guidance, consultation with communities, relevant interest groups, Key Agencies and stakeholders will take place. This, along with national policy changes, will inform these documents, and will apply to any planning briefs prepared for housing or development sites.

Consultation Methods

A range of methods will be utilised to effectively engage with agencies and the public. In light of Covid 19, subsequent legislation and guidance issued, consultations methods have evolved. The methods used will vary and will be tailored to the different interest groups to make the best use of resources, maximising participation, and inclusion. These are outlined in Diagram 2 and 3 and include:

  • Advertisements in local and community papers;
  • Comhairle website and Social-Media (including potentially Facebook and Twitter, Instagram); to publicise current progress and information on how to become involved;
  • Meetings, particularly with agencies and with other COMMUNITY bodies, utilising video and conference calls as necessary;
  • Use of Storymap and  MIRO when presenting documents online and for interactive consultation and engagement;
  • Consultation response forms to encourage input, whilst promoting use of online form platforms;
  • Place Standard Tool – different versions of the tool will be used as required to engage with different audiences;

Building Standards and Planning Service Stakeholder Newsletter is published regularly and provides updates on the LDP and wider Development Plan activities to stakeholders. This promotes awareness and provides an opportunity for wider engagement at key Plan milestone.

Proposed Engagement at Each LDP Stage


For further information on the Outer Hebrides Local Development Plan please contact the Development Plan team by e-mail

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