Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Battery Point Energy Storage Park (24/00155/PPDM)

Reference Number24/00155/PPDM
Date registered as valid19 April 2024
Description of DevelopmentBattery energy storage facility: comprising of 6no. banks of battery units; associated inverters, transformers and high voltage electricity substation.  Siting of welfare unit and storage container for parts.  Create site access, aggregate hardstanding, carparking area, 3m high palisade fencing and gates, and 4m high acoustic barrier.
Address or description of location to which the development relatesBattery Point Energy Storage Park, Newton Street, Stornoway, Isle Of Lewis
Co-ordinatesE 143 060 N 932 238
Applicant NamePoint and Sandwick Development
Applicant AddressThe Old School, Knock, Point, HS2 0BW
Agent nameThe Greenspan Agency
Agent address6 Castle Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3AT
Wind Farm (24/00123/PPW) Information