Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle
Reference Number21/00646/PPD
Date registered as valid03/02/2022
Description of DevelopmentConstruction of sub-orbital vertical launch spaceport, including access road, fencing, launch pad with demountable launch tower, water and liquid storage tanks with associated services and infrastructure, repair and use 1no former farm building for storage, water pumps and communications facility, stabilize 1no derelict former farm building, upgrade to existing farm track and water crossing, vehicle parking and periodic intermittent siting of storage containers.
Address or description of location to which the development relatesSub-Orbital Vertical Launch Spaceport Facility, Scolpaig, Balemartin, Isle of North Uist
Applicant NameComhairle nan Eilean Siar
Applicant AddressCouncil Offices, Sandwick Road, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis HS1 2BW
Agent name (if applicable)Fraser Architecture LLP
Agent address (if applicable) An Taigh Dearg, 21A Carinish, Isle of North Uist, HS6 5EJ

Sub-Orbital Vertical Launch Spaceport Facility Documents