Face to Face
- Implement an Appointment System, where appropriate, and as such this becomes the default position for the Comhairle.
- Undertake process reviews to identify potential channel shift to a less costly channel if appropriate.
- Seek opportunities to share face-to-face provision with other organisations.
- Review accepting cash and cheque as payment methods.
- Promote increased assisted access to the council’s website through our face-to-face staff (e.g. Using libraries for online applications).
- Implement an Appointment System, where appropriate, and as such this becomes the default position for the Comhairle.
- Undertake process reviews to identify potential channel shift to a less costly channel if appropriate.
- Seek opportunities to share face-to-face provision with other organisations.
- Review accepting cash and cheque as payment methods.
- Promote increased assisted access to the council’s website through our face-to-face staff (e.g. Using libraries for online applications).