Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Wind Farm (24/00123/PPW)

Reference Number24/00123/PPW
Date registered as valid09/04/2024
Description of DevelopmentReplacement of three existing 2-bladed wind turbines of 46m to tip at Monan Wind Farm, with three 3-bladed wind turbines with a tip height of up to 86m and associated infrastructure. Wind Farm.
Address or description of location to which the development relatesWind Farm, Ceann an Ora, Ardhasaig, Isle of Harris.
Co-ordinatesMap reference: 114173 (E); 904942 (N)
Applicant NameMonan Wind Company Ltd
Applicant AddressRiver Court, First Floor, River Court, The Old Mill Office Park, Mill Lane, Godalming, England
Agent nameGreen Cat Renewables Ltd
Agent addressStobo House, Roslin, EH25 9RE
Wind Farm (24/00123/PPW) Information

General Application Information

EIA Chapters


EIA Appendices

EIA Figures