Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle
  • Minister Visits RCGF Projects

    As part of a visit to the Outer Hebrides Joe Fitzpatrick MSP, Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning joined Comhairle nan Eilean Siar officers on a tour of local Regeneration Capital Grant Fund funded projects. Regeneration Capital Grant Fund or RCGF is a Scottish Government fund that supports locally developed, place-based regeneration projects that…

  • Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates Billing 2024

    Due to ongoing problems with the Comhairle’s IT infrastructure following the cyber-attack on 7 November 2023, annual bills for Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rates will be delayed. The Comhairle is working closely with software suppliers to ensure that this issue is resolved quickly and with the least disruption possible. We aim to issue bills for…

  • Official Opening of Goathill Project Development

    Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport and Joe Fitzpatrick MSP, Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning officially opened the Goathill Project Development at a ceremony in Stornoway today, Monday 25 March. The Goathill Development Project consists of the 52 bedroom Taigh Shiphoirt Care Home, 50 Unit Bremner Court Housing…

  • Sgeama Greis Gnìomhachais nan Oileanach

    Sgeama Greis Gnìomhachais nan Oileanach Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 2024 Ann an co-bhonn le Bòrd na Gàidhlig, tha Comhairle nan Eilean Siar a’ tabhann cothrom do dh’oileanaich le sgilean Gàidhlig a bhith a’ cosnadh airson deich seachdainean as t-Samhradh 2024 aig buidhnean a tha a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig mar mheadhan obrach gu làitheil.  Faodaidh na deich…

  • Stornoway Welfare Fund Deadline Extended

    The Stornoway Welfare Fund, which amalgamated three existing trusts (Dr J L Robertson’s Bequest, Provost’s Coal Fund and the William Cook Mackenzie Trust), has recently been established. The deadline for applications to the Stornoway Welfare Fund has been extended to Friday 5 April 2024. Details of the fund, eligibility criteria and how you can apply…

  • Spaceport 1 Airspace Change Consultation

    Formal consultation on the proposed airspace change associated with Spaceport 1, Scolpaig,  North Uist will commence on 20 March and close on 24 May 2024.  The airspace change application is being managed by ‘change sponsor’ QinetiQ on behalf of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. As rocket launch poses a risk to aviation, it is necessary to…

  • Comhairle Outdoor Learning Manager Meets with Minister

    The meeting was focused on giving Ms Don a flavour of the educational value of good quality outdoor learning in a residential setting. Tim was keen to ensure the minister understood the difficulties young people in peripheral areas like the islands face in accessing outdoor residential experiences. Its second focus was looking at how Outdoor…

  • UK Parliamentary Election Voter ID: Reminder

    The Returning Officer at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is reminding voters in the Western Isles of the requirement for Voter ID at the next UK Parliamentary General Election. Although no date has been set for the Election it is important that members of the public are prepared so that they are ready to participate and…

  • Sport and Health Update

    Following the Comhairle’s budget setting process changes to the Slàinte Mhath Membership scheme, pay as you go prices and Sports facility opening hours will come into effect from 1 April 2024. Budget Context In January Cllr Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, noted that the Scottish Government’s Financial Settlement had left the Comhairle…

  • Comhairle Welcomes New Homes for Leverburgh

    The Comhairle has welcomed the news that Hebridean Housing Partnership will be taking forward the development of 12 new social rented homes in Leverburgh, Isle of Harris. The new homes, to be located on Ferry Road, will provide a much-needed opportunity for the community, helping to address immediate housing needs in South Harris, as well…