Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle
  • Winter Roads Maintenance Update

    Continued snowfall across the Western Isles is causing disruption to Comhairle services and is presenting a challenge for the Comhairle’s winter roads maintenance team. As challenging conditions continue the Comhairle’s priority is the safety of employees and the general public. Please be assured that the Comhairle’s roads team, supported by contractors, is doing all that…

  • Taisbeanadh gus cur ri Dìon Traidiseanan Seinn na Gàidhlig

    Tha rannsachadh gus aire a chur air diofar sheòrsachan seinn traidiseanta na Gàidhlig air a bhith air a chur ann an taisbeanadh a bhios a’ dol air chuairt gu coimhearsnachdan Innse Gall ann an 2024 agus 2025. Tha an Dr Frances Wilkins, Àrd-òraidiche ann an Eitn-eòlas Ciùil aig Ionad Elphinstone, Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, air sia…

  • Home Care Service

    Due to adverse weather and difficult driving conditions the Comhairle’s Home Care service will be providing a restricted service today (17 January). The Comhairle has been in contact with service users and will be concentrating on providing essential visits with assistance from the Coastguard. The Comhairle asks that family and neighbours provide support and assistance…

  • Restricted Vehicle Booking System

    From Tuesday 23rd January 2024, restricted vehicle users looking to access the Household Waste Recycling Centres at Creed Park, Stornoway or Rueval, Benbecula must have a valid booking in place. This booking system was in use prior to last year’s cyber-attack and proved successful in controlling the flow of traffic, reducing waiting times for service users,…

  • Nicolson Institute Inspection Report Published

    Education Scotland has published its report of the October 2023 inspection of the Nicolson Institute. In developing the report Education Scotland inspectors engaged directly with the rector, pupils, parents/ carers, and staff. The report highlights several areas where the school is performing well, but also identifies key areas in need of development and focused improvement.…

  • NTM 004 – Spiorad na Mara Windfarm/Floating LiDAR and Wave Buoy update

    Metocean equipment was deployed within the proposed Spiorad na Marawind project array area during October 2023. This included one floating LiDAR (FLIDAR) buoy, which is scheduled to remain on site for a period of 24 months, and two Datawell Waverider buoys.The equipment has been successfully serviced after recent storm damage to a seabed mooring. The…

  • NTM 003 – Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm

    The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is scheduled to deploy a Passive Acoustic Monitoring Device (PAM) on behalf of Spiorad na Mara Ltd. The PAM will be deployed on site over a period of 12 months within the Spiorad na Mara offshore wind farm site. Positions of equipment can be seen in Figure 1…

  • £100k Research Project

    To Explore Agricultural Policy Impacts on Island Communities Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has been awarded a £100k research grant to gather the views of island communities in Orkney, Shetland and the Outer Hebrides on the forthcoming agricultural and land use policy changes. Led by Steven Thomson, Professor in Agricultural Economics and Policy at SRUC, the…

  • Former Comhairle Convener Receives OBE

    Former Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Norman ‘Dokus’ Macdonald has been awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours List. Mr Macdonald, who also worked for the Comhairle as a Community Education Officer, has been recognised for his outstanding contributions to the community of Uig and the Western Isles as a whole. Mr Macdonald…

  • Disposal of Single-Use Vapes

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is reminding members of the public to dispose of old electronic items including single-use vapes at dedicated recycling points.  The incorrect disposal of old electronic items, especially high numbers of single-use vapes, is becoming a severe problem, with batteries and battery-operated devices now a leading cause of fires in waste collection…