Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Nicolson Institute Inspection Report Published

Education Scotland has published its report of the October 2023 inspection of the Nicolson Institute.

In developing the report Education Scotland inspectors engaged directly with the rector, pupils, parents/ carers, and staff.

The report highlights several areas where the school is performing well, but also identifies key areas in need of development and focused improvement.

The report recognises the good work of staff in offering more learning and teaching through the medium of Gàidhlig. The report notes that most young people in Gàidhlig Medium Education, by the time they leave school, are confident and successful speakers of Gàidhlig.

The inspectors also highlighted the work of the school in supporting pupils into positive post-school destinations. Particularly praising the positive engagement with partner organisations that has made this possible.

The report also identifies areas for improvement most notably the delivery of education within enhanced provision.

The report scored the Nicolson Institute as satisfactory on the two assessment criteria: Learning, Teaching and Assessment and Raising Attainment and Achievement.

Donald Macleod, Chief Officer for Education and Children’s Services, said:

“This report has provided recognition of the good work of the Nicolson Institute in key areas. It is particularly welcome to see positive acknowledgement for the school’s Gàidhlig delivery and praise for the support provided to help pupils achieve positive post-school destinations.”

“While we welcome these positives it is important that we also recognise and address the areas in need of development highlighted in the report. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar will now engage with Education Scotland and school staff to ensure that the necessary improvements are put in place to address these areas. This work will be undertaken with the primary aim of improving the educational experience of all Nicolson Institute pupils.”


