Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Support Caring and Resilient Communities and Quality of Life

Caring and resilient communities and quality of life are measured by themes such as the Gàidhlig language and culture, our population and demographics, the natural environment, our crofting communities, housing quality and availability, transport and connectivity, the economy and jobs, community safety, health and wellbeing and care and support networks.  These are all interconnected and do not stand alone as a measure of success. Our commitments are to:

  • Support and promote the Gàidhlig language, natural and cultural heritage of the islands;
  • Sustain and develop models of care to provide a range of social care services to meet the needs of the population;
  • Ensure our planning and connectivity infrastructure meets the needs of our communities;
  • Nurture the safety and resilience of our communities; and
  • Support action that tackles the causes and effects of inequality and poverty.

A Suite of KPIs  was selected to provide a consistent basis for the Comhairle to assess if the outcomes of people in the Western Isles are improving over time and support data-driven decision making. The published 2022/23 data for the majority of the statistics is not yet available due to a lag in the publication of data. For reference, the Official statistics: forthcoming publications provides a 12-month calendar of statistical releases.