Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Tributes Paid to Former Councillor and Vice Convener

The Convener of the Comhairle, Councillor Kenneth Macleod, has paid tribute to former Councillor and Vice Convener, Mr Roddy Murray, who passed away aged 85 on 4 March 2024 in hospital in Inverness. 

The Convener said:

“Roddy Murray was a senior official of the Comhairle for many years, rising to the position of Depute Director of Development.  Following his retirement, he was elected as Member for the Laxdale ward in a by-election in 1994, representing the Labour Party.  He became Vice Convener of the Comhairle in 1999 and served in that capacity until 2003.  He was also a Member of Stornoway Trust.  He was a committed and strong-minded Councillor and Vice Convener, and always led from the front.  He had a particularly strong commitment to the Gaelic language and to Highlands and Islands-wide, as well as to Western Isles, issues. He later moved to Inverness and then to Tarskavaig, Skye, where he remained active in the community, serving on Sleat Community Council and other local organisations.

Our thoughts are with all those who knew Roddy and particularly to his family: his wife, Effie, and daughters Mairi Anne and Jane, the extended family, colleagues and friends.”

The Comhairle flag at Council Offices, Stornoway,  will be flown at half-mast.


