Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Trading Standards Warning

Trading Standards has been made aware of doorstep sellers currently cold calling in Uist offering jet washing services. We are reminding residents on the Islands to say no to doorstep sellers offering services to people at their homes.
Trading Standards advice is simply never to deal with anyone who cold calls at your door. In some cases the work door to door sellers provide can be of poor quality and can be at an overinflated price.  Many residents display “No uninvited sales people” signage on their property which should be respected. These can be provided upon request.
If you wish to report doorstep sellers or are concerned about elderly relatives or neighbours please call Trading Standards on 01851 822 694 (please leave a voicemail with your full name and contact number)or email: alternatively call Police Scotland on 101.


