Tha Seirbheis Dualchais Comhairle nan Eilean Siar air trì suirbhidhean a chur air bhog gus ùidh ann an leasachadh slighean dualchais sna h-Eileanan Siar a thomhas.
Thòisich Pròiseact Leasachadh Slighean Dualchais mar thoradh air Ro-innleachd nan Sàr-àitichean agus tha e air a mhaoineachadh le Riaghaltas na h-Alba, leis an amas gun tèid slighean a leasachadh fad nan Eilean, a bhios a’ brosnachadh leasachadh eaconomach agus ag adhartachadh dualchas nan Eilean.
Tha co-chomhairleachadh choimhearsnachd agus luchd-ùidhe mar phàirt riatanach den obair seo mus tèid slighean ùra a chruthachadh, no slighean a tha ann mar-thà atharrachadh. Tha na trì suirbhidhean seo mar phàirt den obair cho-chomhairleachaidh seo, a tha ag amas air freagairtean cunbhalach fhaighinn a thèid an cleachdadh gus ar stiùireadh airson an àm ri teachd.
Thathar a’ lorg fhreagairtean don t-suirbhidh bho bhuidhnean dualchais, uachdaranan-fearainn (a’ gabhail a-steach comataidhean ionaltraidh) agus gnìomhachasan ionadail, gus faighinn a-mach ciamar a ghabhadh slighean dualchais a leasachadh san àm ri teachd. Tha co-chomhairleachadh le uachdaranan-fearainn aig an ìre as tràithe sa phròiseas gu sònraichte cudromach.
Tha na suirbhidhean rim faighinn air SurveyMonkey agus faodar an lìonadh a-steach tro na ceanglaichean gu h-ìosal:
- Suirbhidh Leasachadh Shlighean Dualchais (Dualchas)
Heritage Trail Development Survey (Heritage) - Suirbhidh Leasachadh Shlighean Dualchais (Uachdaranan-fearainn)
Heritage Trails Development Survey (Land Owners) - Suirbhidh Leasachadh Shlighean Dualchais (Gnìomhachas)
Heritage Trails Development Survey (Businesses)
Dùinidh na suirbhidhean air 22na Dùbhlachd 2023.
Faodar fios a chur gu Louise Matthews, Oifigear Leasachadh Slighean Dualchais, tro phost-d: ma tha ceistean sam bith agaibh, no ma tha sibh airson bruidhninn mu phròiseact Leasachadh Slighean Dualchais.
Heritage Trails Stakeholder Surveys Launched
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Heritage Service has launched three surveys to gauge interest in the development of heritage trails in the Outer Hebrides.
The Heritage Trails Development Project stems from the Great Place Strategy and is funded by the Scottish Government, with the aim of working to develop trails covering the whole of the Outer Hebrides, driving economic development and highlighting the islands’ heritage.
Community and stakeholder consultation is an essential part of this work in advance of any proposals for new trails, or any amendments to those which already exist. These three surveys are a part of that consultation work, aimed at gathering consistent responses that can be collated and used as a reference going forward.
Survey responses are sought from heritage groups, landowners (including grazing committees) and local businesses, to help inform how heritage trails will be delivered in the future. Consultation with landowners in particular is important as early as possible in the process.
The surveys are hosted on SurveyMonkey and can be accessed via the links below:
- Heritage Trail Development Survey (Heritage)
Suirbhidh Leasachadh Shlighean Dualchais (Dualchas) - Heritage Trails Development Survey (Land Owners)
Suirbhidh Leasachadh Shlighean Dualchais (Uachdaranan-fearainn) - Heritage Trails Development Survey (Businesses)
Suirbhidh Leasachadh Shlighean Dualchais (Gnìomhachas)
The surveys will close for responses on 22nd December 2023.
Louise Matthews, Heritage Trails Development Officer, can be contacted via email: if you have any questions, or would like to discuss the Heritage Trails Development project.