Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Streetlighting Hours Reduced

The Comhairle, in consideration of budget savings, has agreed to reduce the time that streetlights are switched on by an hour. This change will affect areas where streetlights currently go off at 11pm, these lights will now be programmed to switch off at 10pm.
The changing of time clocks will commence over the summer months in a phased manner throughout the Western Isles.  There will be some anomalies to the implementation of this decision in that some of the rural lights are on individual controls, which means that they will remain on the current timing regime.
Changes to time clock settings in Lewis and Harris will be carried out in June/July 2024.
Changes to time clock settings in Uist and Barra will be carried out in August/September 2024.
Any areas currently with exemptions to this policy, mainly around marine facilities, will continue unchanged.
The implementation of this policy may not be so noticeable over the summer, however the general public in affected areas should consider alternative means of personal lighting should they be walking around their communities after the re-scheduled switch off time.


