Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Response to Proposed Withdrawal of MoveMore Funding

Cllr Duncan Macinnes, Deputy Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has expressed disappointment at the move from NHS Western Isles to withdraw funding from the MoveMore Western Isles programme. 

MoveMore Western Isles is delivered in partnership by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles and supports individuals living with one or more long-term condition (including cancer), to improve their health by increasing their physical activity.

Since its launch in 2017 the programme has delivered positive outcomes to service users and has become key in supporting the long-term health of the population. For the period of 2023/24 MoveMore Western Isles has received 248 referrals and carried out 5070 interventions with clients including follow-on users. Of the 248 referred 196 agreed to participate or were deemed appropriate for the 12-week programme. From those who participated in the programme136 completed the full programme (69% of those who engaged with the programme) and 153 completed at least 75% of the programme. 

The funding provided by NHS Western Isles is crucial to the continued delivery of the service including the employment of MoveMore team members. 

Since the first announcement of this decision Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has engaged with NHS Western Isles who have now agreed to further formal discussions on the matter.

Cllr Duncan Maciness, said:

“MoveMore is a programme that has delivered successful outcomes to so many people across the Western Isles. The success of the programme has been outlined in the past by NHS Western Isles with the sharing of positive testimony from service users, clear examples of exactly what this service means to its users and why it is so essential. At a time when both the Comhairle and the NHS face difficult financial decisions and funding shortfalls it is vital that we plan and work together to deliver the best outcomes we can for the public and to protect much-needed and valued jobs. These difficult decisions require full consultation and assessment rather than the uncertainty caused by the manner of this announcement. I welcome further discussions with NHS on this matter and encourage a change of position to ensure that this uncertainty does not turn into real negative impacts.”


