Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

P.L.A.C.E. Artwork Promoting Responsible Tourism Available

P.L.A.C.E Logo

Outer Hebrides Tourism is reminding all Community Councils, Community Groups and Estates that they have a selection of free artwork available to support the promotion of responsible tourism practices in the islands. These are to prompt visitors, or users, what practices they should adopt to enjoy the surroundings whilst not only leaving it as they found it, but also for others to enjoy.

The ‘Outer Hebrides is a Special P.L.A.C.E’ includes a simple acronym that is clear and memorable for visitors to understand and forms a call to action to ‘please help us to keep it that way.’

The eye-catching, but carefully designed signage, delivers a variety of messages including the core principles of PLACE, the importance of machair protection, awareness of animals, litter removal, camping best practice and parking advice.

Whilst a wide range of free artwork is available to cater for various locations, groups will have to fund the printing and production costs. Further information, including more examples of the artwork, can be found on the OHT’s website’s dedicated ‘Responsible Tourism’ page.

Sarah Maclean, Chief Executive of Outer Hebrides Tourism said: 

“Outer Hebrides Tourism strive to ensure local tourism activity is as well managed as possible and we have been really pleased to be able to work with partners across the local community and public sector to roll-out P.L.A.C.E over the past few years.  Initially P.L.A.C.E was a digital only campaign, with fixed signage introduced in hot-spot areas in 2023.  We regularly receive positive feedback about the signage and messaging and have had requests from other localities across the UK to replicate the concept.  We are now keen to support any community organisation in the islands that wish to get involved and use the designs for free to enhance their local messaging to visitors.”

Cllr. Donald Crichton, Chair of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Sustainable Development Committee said:

“We want to ensure that the uniqueness of the Outer Hebrides can continue to be enjoyed by visitors and locals through promoting the protection and respect of our communities and landscape when they are enjoying what is on offer.  The P.L.A.C.E. signage clearly highlights this and what is expected of them and helps to keep us special.”

Please email Outer Hebrides Tourism on for further information on the signage. 


