Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle
  • Notice of Enrolment 2024

    Sanas Clàraidh 2024 Enrolment To Schools and Centres 2024 Enrolment is now open for children entering nursery, P1 and S1 in Comhairle schools and centres for August 2024 onwards. Parents and carers should enrol eligible children by Friday 8th March 2024. Enrolment forms for all stages can be accessed at:  Enrolments 2024-25 Gaelic First The Comhairle…

  • Supplier Development Webinar

    The Supplier Development Programme are hosting a free webinar, in partnership with the Islands Growth Deal, on Tuesday 5th March 2-3:30pm. The Islands Growth Deal is a 10-year package of investment that will seek to drive economic growth and the creation of sustainable jobs across Shetland, Orkney and the Outer Hebrides. Jointly funded by UK and…

  • Soirbheachadh so Sgoiltean nan Eilean Siar aig FilmG 2024

    Bha sgoiltean nan Eilean Siar air leth soirbheachail oidhche Haoine (23 Gearann) ‘s iad a’ cosnadh ultach dhuaisean aig farpais FilmG 2024.  Ghabh a’ chuirm àite ann an Glaschu agus bha Sgoil a Bhac, Àrdsgoil Mhicneacail agus Sgoil Lionacleit am measg nam feadhainn a ghlèidh nam prìomh dhuaisean. Choisinn Sgoil Lionacleit an duais ‘Roghainn FilmG…

  • Cùrsa Turas

    Anns an Foghar 2023 ghabh naoinear de luchd obrach Roinn Foghlaim, Sgilean is Seirbheisean Chloinne na Comhairle pàirt ann an cùrsa far an robh iad a’ leasachadh an cuid sgilean cànain a thaobh na Gàidhlig.  Chaidh an cùrsa, Turas, a lìbhrigeadh air-loidhne airson naoi seachdainean agus bhathar ag amas air feadhainn aig an robh deagh…

  • Comhairle Agrees a Balance Budget

    A’ Chomhairle a’ Stèidheachadh Buidseat Cothromach a dh’aindeòin Gèarradh Bunaiteach ann am Maoineachadh bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus a Bhith Cleachdadh Airgead Cùl-Stòir. Tha lughdachadh de £1.48m ann an Aonta Maoineachaidh Riaghaltas na h-Alba 2024 do Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar nuair a thèid pàigheadh luchd-obrach agus luchd teagaisg a chur an dara taobh ‘s cothromachadh…

  • Cuirmean Dìleab 2024: Leverhulme air an Ainmeachadh

    Air an ath-mhìos gabhaidh cuirmean àite ann an Leòdhas agus anns na Hearadh mar phàirt de Dhìleab 2024: Leverhulme.  Gabhaidh a’ chiad chuirm àite anns an Lanntair air Diardaoin 14mh Màrt aig 1900 agus bidh fiosrachadh a thaobh tiogaidean ri fhaighinn a dh’ aithghearr.  Bidh sgoilearan bho chlasaichean Gàidhlig 6 & 7 aig Bunsgoil Steòrnabhaigh a’ dol…

  • Athlete Travel Award Scheme (April – October 2024)

    Open from Monday 19th February 2024. The application and accompanying guidance can be found on the Sport and Leisure section of the website. The Islands Athlete Travel Award Scheme allows Athletes from the Outer Hebrides the opportunity to benefit from the program designed to support travel costs in the islands. The aim of this scheme…

  • Martyn’s Law Consultation

    UK Government has launched a consultation on the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Martyn’s law. The consultation is open to the public until 18 March. Martyn’s Law will require premises to fulfil necessary but proportionate steps, according to their capacity, to help keep the public safe. It is named in tribute to…

  • Diving Operations – Deep Water Terminal

    Stornoway Port Authority – Notice to Mariners 2-2024 Diving operations will be carried out daily from Thursday 15th February 2024 at Stornoway harbour Deep Water Terminal. Operations will be conducted from 0730 hrs to 1900 hrs, fitting sacrificial anodes along the berthing faces of Deep Water Terminal. Vessels using the harbour should navigate within the…

  • New Questionnaire to Help Improve Communities in the Outer Hebrides

    The Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership (OHCPP) is offering people across the Outer Hebrides the chance to influence their health and wellbeing, as well as the opportunities and services available to them, by contributing to a new online questionnaire.  The OHCPP is pleased to launch the online version of the Place Standard Tool, which is…