Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

New Operator for Benbecula to Stornoway Service

Following a tender process Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has awarded Hebridean Air Services the contract to operate the Benbecula to Stornoway Air Service.

The agreement with Hebridean Air Services will see the service return to three days of operation per week with passengers able to book return flights on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.

Passengers will travel onboard Hebridean Air Service’s 8-passenger Britten Norman Islander aircraft.  While considerably smaller than the aircraft currently provided it suits the operational passenger loads better and makes the routes viable due to the decreased operating costs.  The aircraft is a tried and trusted utility aircraft used throughout the world on a number of dedicated Public Service Obligation (PSO) contracts where passenger numbers are lower due to smaller island populations.

Hebridean Air Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Airtask Group Limited, will run the service alongside it’s PSO based at Oban and another of the Group company PSO services in Shetland, all served by the Britten Norman Islander.  The Group, based in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire recently celebrated it’s 40th anniversary and is one of the longest standing Air Operators in the UK providing aerial surveillance flights to a number of government agencies, including a dedicated service on behalf of the Scottish government, as well as operating the UK Atmospheric Research Aircraft on behalf of UKRI.  It is no stranger to Stornoway or Benbecula having operated surveillance flights through both locations since the early 1990s.   The company prides itself on delivering aviation that matters and promises a dedicated service with delivery to those that need it as their main aim.

Tickets will soon be made available through the Hebridean Air Services website at Hebridean Air Services Ltd ( The website is currently being updated to include the new route details and schedules, this will go live soon.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is meeting with representatives from Hebridean Air Services in Stornoway this week in anticipation of the commencement of the contract as soon as feasible after 1 April.

Following this meeting the Comhairle will work closely with Hebridean Air Services to communicate publicly any potential service disruption during the transitionary period.

Cllr Uisdean Robertson, said:

“The news that the service between Benbecula and Stornoway will continue to operate is welcome. The service is important to our communities particularly for the transportation of NHS patients. The fact that this is a four-year contract takes away the annual worry that this much needed service will be discontinued.”

Julie Simper, Managing Director of Hebridean Air Services, said:

“Naturally we are delighted to be awarded the contract.  Having operated two PSO services for some time we understand the criticality of the routes to be served and understand that the needs of the travellers must be the highest priority.  We are currently concentrating our efforts on getting everything in place in order to commence a reliable service to fulfil the routes as soon as feasibly practicable.”


