Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

National recognition for Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Winter Safety Campaign

National recognition for Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Winter Safety Campaign: Cùm Sàbhailte Gheamhradh Seo (Keep Safe This Winter)

The Comhairle – produced winter safety guidance has been held up as an example of good practice by the Scottish Community Safety Network. (SCSN)

CEO, Lorraine Gillies:

“The SCSN welcomes the Western Isles Council Winter Safety campaign. The campaign provides a wealth of useful information and resources to help people stay safe this winter. We particularly welcome a focus on trips and falls given that data shows that this is the main cause of accidental death of those aged over 65 in the UK.”

The information contained within the ‘Keep Safe this Winter’ guidance: is designed to enable the Western Isles community to make informed choices on how to stay safe and keep well this Winter: How to keep safe at home and when venturing out, healthy eating advice, nurturing mental wellbeing whilst avoiding physical illness; looking out for vulnerable neighbours; and who to contact should additional information or assistance be required. A key theme of this year’s campaign is avoiding trips and falls, and the guidance contains handy tips on staying on your feet, at home and when venturing outside.

Comhairle Leader Paul Steele commented:

“With a little preparation we can all stay safe throughout the Winter months and this excellent resource provides invaluable information on all aspects of personal safety, including emergency contact details. I should also like to highlight that Winter can be a particularly challenging time for our more vulnerable neighbours and that we should all try to offer any assistance we can to make things less difficult for them in the coming months.”

Taking a few simple steps now and planning ahead could make things a lot easier, and, crucially, safer for you this winter.”



