Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Martyn’s Law Consultation

UK Government has launched a consultation on the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Martyn’s law. The consultation is open to the public until 18 March.

Martyn’s Law will require premises to fulfil necessary but proportionate steps, according to their capacity, to help keep the public safe. It is named in tribute to Martyn Hett who was killed alongside 21 others in the Manchester Arena attack in 2017.

The consultation document focuses on the requirements of “standard tier premises” (any premises with a capacity of 100-799 individuals).

Groups, small businesses, and individuals responsible for standard tier premises in the Western Isles are asked to complete the consultation document. The consultation especially seeks the views of those in the community and voluntary sector.

The full consultation document is available on the UK Government website.

Further information on Martyn’s Law will be provided at webinars on the following dates. Please note that the content of all webinars is the same.

DateTimeSectorMeeting Details
20 February11:30am-12:30pmAll sectorsClick here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 346 199 151 416
Passcode: PALxUg  
21 February11:30am-12:30pmSmall BusinessesClick here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 391 085 280 741
Passcode: vRJqZn  
22 February11am-12pmVoluntary and Community OrganisationsClick here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 337 404 521 343
Passcode: MaZJWM  
27 February11:30am-12:30pmLocal Authorities and Public ServicesClick here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 344 930 968 441
Passcode: jUUQd6  
28 February10:30-11:30amAll SectorsClick here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 313 184 942 59
Passcode: E7JWwM  
29 February10-11amAll SectorsClick here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 312 106 114 230
Passcode: RN8Ywt  
07 March2-3pmAll SectorsClick here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 338 064 951 804
Passcode: iraBbR  


