Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Island Careers Fairs a Huge Success

Developing the Young Workforce Outer Hebrides and Western Isles Employability joined partners and employers on Wednesday 15 November, in hosting careers fairs in both Lewis and Barra for Scottish Careers Week.

Pupils from The Nicolson Institute and Sir E Scott attended the Lewis Sports Centre in Stornoway throughout the day and were met by over forty employers and organisations who had set up stalls across the game’s hall.

Employers, many being from various key industry sectors, made sure each stall was interactive for the pupils by including games, literature, quizzes and bringing equipment to use from their various professions.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service brought personal protective equipment that the pupils could wear, MG Alba brought filming cameras to test, and the NHS brought eye test apparatus and physiotherapy tools.

This year also saw a growing enthusiasm from organisations willing to get involved in the event, with employers such as NatureScot, the RSPB and Macduff Shellfish attending for their first time. This demonstrates the growing partnership work and engagement between the DYW Outer Hebrides team and employers throughout the islands.

In Barra, pupils of all ages from Castlebay School took part in the careers fair and learnt a great deal about local employment opportunities available to them.

The purpose of hosting these careers fairs is to showcase job opportunities and career paths across the Western Isles’ various industries.

Cllr Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said:

“The growing employer interest to take part in these events shows the great and engaging work that DYW Outer Hebrides and Western Isles Employability does to bridge the gap between schools and employers. It is important our young people are aware of the job opportunities available to them locally. Having these events across our islands is a fantastic showcase of the many opportunities to live, work and learn in the Western Isles.”

The careers fair for Uist will be taking place on Thursday 23 November in the Sgoil Lionacleit Games Hall, from 1pm – 6pm.

DYW and WI Employability Team
Careers Fair
Careers Fair 2
Barra Careers


