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Lews Castle

ISL Pool closure update – 4th October

The swimming pool at Ionad Spòrs Leòdhais in Stornoway is temporarily closed until further notice as a result of damaged floor tiles.

In order to access and repair the damaged floor area that was reported on Monday evening, the ISL pool was drained through the week and contractors were able to access the floor on Thursday morning, once the water level had dropped sufficiently.
Once the small number of loose tiles were removed, it became apparent that water had seeped underneath a larger area of floor tiles in the surrounding area and as such all of the affected tiles have had to be removed. In addition, a number of wall tiles have also been affected and will be removed while the pool remains empty. The exposed areas will now be cleaned and allowed to dry before tiling and grouting work can commence next week.
Once this work has been carried out and given sufficient time to set, the pool will be refilled and slowly brought back up to temperature – a job which will take a few days to complete safely.
Considering all of this, the pool will unfortunately remain closed all next week and we hope to be in a better position then to provide customers an idea of a re-opening date. It is vitally important that this work is carried out thoroughly and correctly in order to limit the possibility of future incidents of this nature occurring.
We apologise for the ongoing disruption and thank you for your continued patience.

A tile floor showing missing tiles and exposed loose cement underneath


