Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Young People Across the Western Isles Receive SQA Results

Young people from schools across the Western Isles have, today, been receiving the results of National Qualifications from the Scottish Qualifications Authority.  The Comhairle would like to congratulate all young people celebrating success in achieving qualifications today. As well as success in academic assessment, the Comhairle recognises and celebrates the many and varied achievements of our pupils, in areas of applied learning, sport, culture, heritage and community service in the last year.

Across all SQA awards this year, the pass rate achieved in the Western Isles was 81.7%, from a total of 2,851 presentations. Increases in pass rate and presentations mean that, this year, more young people and successfully achieving more awards. This year’s results demonstrate a strong performance overall against a context of decreasing pass rates nationally in 2024. We record an increase of 2.5% in passes at National 5 and an increase of 5.5% in those achieving Advanced Higher across all Western Isles schools. There is, however, a reduction in the pass rate for Highers locally this year in the context of an overall reduction in passes nationally. Schools will undertake a thorough analysis of results to identify and address issues that contributed to the reduction in Higher passes.

Summarised Exam Results:

Award LevelWestern Isles
A-C Passes
A-C Passes
National 582.3%77.2%
Advanced Higher72.2%75.3%

As well as achievement of SQA qualifications being announced today, our schools support young people to undertake other achievements, awards, apprenticeships and skills programmes to support them to achieve success as they leave school. A key measure of the success of our education system in the Western Isles is capacity for pupils to go on to positive destinations after they leave school, equipped for the next step in their journey.

Comhairle schools are able to report some of the highest positive post-school outcomes in Scotland with 98.3% of our leavers being in a positive destination after leaving school. Similarly, the rate of young people in the Western Isles participating in education, employment or training is the second highest in Scotland at 97.6%

Chairman of the Education, Skills and Children’s Services Committee, Cllr Paul Finnegan, said:

“Today, we recognise the many achievements of the pupils across the Western Isles that sat exams in 2024. I congratulate all that achieved success in today’s results and recognise this and the many other achievements of our young people. I wish those that received passes today the best for their next step in education, training or work and, in doing so, want to reinforce that a remarkable 98.3% of our young people go on to a positive destination after leaving school. This is amongst the highest in Scotland and an important measure of the success of our education system that extends well beyond exam results alone.”

Donald Macleod, Chief Officer for Education & Children’s Services also said: 

“I congratulate all the young people who successfully achieved awards today and wish them well now as they move on to further study, training or work. I am pleased to note important improvements in attainment at National 5 and Advanced Higher this year and will be working with our schools to address the reduction in Higher pass rates seen locally. As well as congratulating all our young people today that contributed to an overall 82% pass rate in the Western Isles, I would like to acknowledge and thank the hard-working staff in our schools that support our young people to achieve qualifications and reach their potential. For those that did not receive the results they were hoping for today, your schools are there to support you and to provide advice and guidance. Support is also available through the local DYW drop-in sessions and from the SDS national helpline.”

Results Helpline
We understand that some pupils may not have received the results that had been hoped for today and our school staff are available to provide support and guidance. As well as contacting schools directly, pupils can also seek advice and help in the following ways:

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Drop-in and e-Mail Support Sessions
Again this year, the Comhairle’s employability team are hosting a number of post-exam drop-in sessions throughout the Western Isles. Exam result support will be available to any pupil, or parent, on a drop-in basis who wishes to discuss future opportunities and career paths upon receiving their exam results
StornowayComhairle nan Eilean Siar, Developing the Young Workforce Outer Hebrides and Skills Development Scotland will be in Stornoway Town Hall on 6th and 7th August from 12pm to 4pm to discuss options for pupils who have received their exam results. UHI NWH will be attending on the 6th.
LionacleitComhairle nan Eilean Siar and Developing the Young Workforce Outer Hebrides will be in Lionacleit Education Centre from the 6 – 9 August, 9am – 5pm, to discuss further options.
TarbertSir E Scott pupils can to arrange discussions with DYW Outer Hebrides and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar staff and are welcome to attend the Stornoway drop-in sessions.

Castlebay: Castlebay pupils can contact to arrange discussions with DYW Outer Hebrides and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar staff.


