Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Customer Care Standards

Clear standards are fundamental to the consistent and successful delivery of good customer service. Set out below are the minimum standards that should be applied across the Comhairle. Service Managers have responsibility for ensuring these standards are met within their service.

CnES Customer Care Standards (Gàidhlig and English)

Letters and E-mails

  • When writing to us you can expect a full reply to your letter or email within ten working days or a progress report with timescales
  • The name and direct contact details of the staff member responsible for dealing with your query will be included in correspondence
  • Members of the public who correspond in Gaelic will receive a reply in Gaelic

Face to Face

When you visit our offices you can expect our reception staff to:

  • Wear name badges and be welcoming, polite and helpful
  • Attending to your query within ten minutes or provide an explanation for any delay
  • Keep to pre-arranged appointment times and let you know in good time if appointments are running late or have to be rearranged
  • Provide you with accurate up to date information

You can expect our service access points to:

  • Be accessible, clean, tidy and welcoming with clearly displayed opening hours
  • Provide consistent, up to date information on council services
  • Provide public access to the internet where practicable
  • Engage with customers through the medium of Gaelic or English accordance with the customer request

When we visit you at home you can expect that:

  • Visiting staff will identify themselves to you with their Comhairle photo identity badge
  • We will inform you where an appointment is running late or has to be cancelled
  • We will inform you of the actions resulting from the visit and timescales
  • We will give you a clear explanation of the nature of a visit that is made without a prior appointment


  • We will answer your calls within ten rings
  • We will greet and give our name and service area
  • We will converse through Gaelic or English in accordance with the customer request. A translation service will be made available as required for other languages
  • When we pass your enquiry to a specialist, we will pass on your personal details and the nature of your query so that you do not have to repeat it to another person


If we fail you on any of the previous standards and you wish to make a complaint, you can expect:

  • Respect for your opinions and empathy for your views
  • An acknowledgement receipt within 3 working days
  • A full reply in 20 working days, or details of progress and timescales for a further response

Complaints Procedure

You can Help Us By

  • Letting us know if you have any needs that may affect how we provide your service
  • Being patient and polite when you talk to us
  • Contacting us early if you need to rearrange an appointment
  • Telling us what you think about our service and how we are performing