Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

British Sign Language Plan (2024-2030)

We Asked

We asked the public to submit any comments to us in relation to the draft British Sign Language Plan (BSL) Plan for 2024-2030, which would be considered before submitting the final draft of the Plan to the Comhairle for approval.

You Said

The consultation was published on the Comhairle website and circulated to Community Councils, Community Planning Partners, and the Western Isles Sensory Centre who in turn were requested to forward the information to their members and contacts. Unfortunately, despite extending the duration of the consultation period and sending further messages to interested parties, no feedback was received.

We Did

In terms of specific actions and commitments in the draft Plan, we ensured that any incomplete actions from the BSL Plan 2018-2024 have been taken forward and included in the new BSL Plan 2024-2030. The following were identified as our key actions:

  • Promote the availability of accessible BSL interpreting services locally.
  • Improve access to information and services for BSL users.
  • Support staff and offer learning opportunities to raise awareness of BSL.
  • Improve BSL awareness among care staff and signposting to health and social care information available in BSL.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is committed to improving our services and it is important that we listen to what you, the community, say. We welcome your comments or suggestions for improvements on the BSL Plan 2024-2030 for the Comhairle to consider at any time of the year, so please let us know using any of the contact details listed in the Plan, which will be reviewed periodically.

We Did Not Do

There were no changes to the goals and planned actions in the draft Plan due to lack of feedback.


Draft BSL Plan Signed Video


11 December 2023


14 January 2024

Contact Us

Organisational Development
Chief Executive’s Department
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Isle of Lewis

Equalities Monitoring

Please complete our Equalities Monitoring Form

This is used by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar to provide essential statistical information about who participates in our consultations.
The data is managed confidentially, is not personally attributable, and is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act.


The BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 requires public bodies to publish BSL plans every six years. The draft plan is framed around similar priority areas identified in the British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2023-2029 published on 6 November 2023. 

The Comhairle’s draft BSL Plan, as required by BSL (Scotland) Act 2015, sets out draft actions the Comhairle will take over the period 2024-2030.  This draft plan is available in both written English as well as BSL

Why we are consulting

The Comhairle is commitment to improving access to services for those using the language and raising awareness of BSL.

The Comhairle aims to involve BSL users and those who represent them; ensure that the consultation on the draft plan is accessible to D/deaf and Deafblind BSL users; and that the draft plan published in BSL as well as in English in both draft form, and in final form.

What happens next

We are now asking for your views on the draft BSL Plan. Comments received will be reviewed and the draft plan amended as appropriate. The final draft of the BSL Plan will be presented to the Policy and Resources Committee for approval on 7 February 2024.

All comments and feedback on the contents of the draft plan are welcomed.  If you would like to comment on this draft plan you can do this in a number of ways as detailed below.

Comments can be submitted in writing to the address below:

Organisational Development
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Sandwick Road

Comments can also be e-mailed to:

Alternatively BSL users can contact us via: contactSCOTLAND-BSL