Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Adult Social Care Assisted Transport

We Asked

Via two public consultation, Q&A sessions for service users /families/guardian views on assisted transport provision to adult day services

You Said

A total of 71 people responded to the request for comments on the proposed Assisted Transport Policy, which included collective feedback, coordinated via the Disability Advocacy Collective (Advocacy Western Isles, Autism Eilean Siar, Enable Western Isles and Harris Disability Action Panel.) and the Advocacy W. I. Speak Out  Group, and two individual parents/carers.

Responses received were analysed and the draft strategy was revised to incorporate feedback received.

Procedurally the policy conforms to national legislation guidance, however the consultation process identified the inherent challenges in accessing a range of transport options within rural and island communities. In general, the feedback highlighted the lack of options in local public transport provision, that there are no commissioned services to choose from, it is unlike other areas in Scotland where there are options for both services and transport. The fact that independent travel was not always suitable; conversely it was also noted that ‘traveling with parents does not support independence’ furthermore, that there was no equity for service users using their benefits as the geographical distance to  day services meant that travel would cost more for some people than for others. It was also noted that the service user should be the one who is financially assessed and not the parent/carer.

For the user of assisted transport, it was noted that most will have disabilities (physical, learning and mental health), so therefore it would be helpful if the 8-page document were reduced to the shortest pages possible, and also translated into “easy-read”.

Some parents/carers have supported the idea of using the mobility component of their benefit to pay towards transport costs, they still need assistance to organise this with others in the wider community.

We Did

Future recommendations:

Introducing the option of easy-read format on all information resources.

Reinforce the need to consider exceptional circumstances in relation to transport at the point of assessment. Similarly, to encourage Service users to have a DWP benefits checks.

We Did Not Do

Due to financial constraints, it would not be possible to meet a request to reinstate the Comhairle minibus fleet at this time.



7 December 2022


28 October 2022

Contact Us

Kirsty Street

Equalities Monitoring

Please complete the Equalities Form

This is used by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar to provide essential statistical information about who participates in our consultations.
The data is managed confidentially, is not personally attributable, and is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act.


Assisted Transport: Adult Social Care Policy Statement & Procedure Handbook Consultation Launch

A community consultation is being launched today, Friday 28th October 2022, on the Adult Social Care Assisted Transport Policy Statement & Procedure Handbook Policy.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Integration Joint Board is committed to promoting independence across all areas of service provision and seeks to ensure that all service users are able to live and travel as independently as possible. Integral to this commitment is an open and transparent consultation process in which the Western Isles community can fully engage and contribute to policy development.

Why We Are Consulting

The over-arching aim of this consultation exercise  is to provide a clear definition of ‘Assisted Transport’ that offers clarity, equity, and fair access to transport and travel arrangements for vulnerable service users, whilst at the same time reducing the level of dependency on transport provided by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar does not have a statutory responsibility to provide assisted transport and a service users’ existing benefits should be used to meet their own transport needs. However, consideration will be given in very exceptional circumstances, in line with eligibility criteria as outlined and explained within the draft policy document. This will include an assessment of a service users’ personal circumstances and any associated financial risks.

A service users’ personal safety will never be compromised.

What Happens Next

The consultation will run until Monday 7th December 2022.

Comments received will be reviewed and considered in the final draft of the Assisted Transport: Adult Social Care Policy Statement & Procedure Handbook and the Associated Impact Assessment. The final draft of the policy will then be considered by the Integration Joint Board Corporate Management Team and the Policy and Resources Committee of the Comhairle.

Copies of the policy can be read on our Assisted Transport: Adult Social Care Policy Statement & Procedure Handbook webpage where comments can be submitted.

Two live online consultations are also taking place on:

  • Tuesday 15th November at 7pm
  • Thursday 24th November at 3pm

An open invitation is extended to individuals and organisations to submit comments for both online events.

Please register for the event at / or if you are unable to join either event you can e-mail your comments on the policy to:

Copies of the policy can be provided on request by phoning the Health and Social Care Department on 01851 822708.

Hard copies of the draft document are also available at all Comhairle offices.
