Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Council Members

Ward 10: Steornabhagh a Deas

George Murray

George L Murray
WARD 10: Steornabhagh a Deas
Mobile: 07866 914906

Register of Interests

Remuneration:Undertake occasional tour guiding for Western Isles Tour Guiding Association.  This is occasional and seasonal
Other Roles:
Election Expenses:
Houses, Land and Buildings:Cnoc Breac, 9B Branahuie, Isle of Lewis HS2 0BB
Interest in Shares:
Non-financial Interest:
Close Family Members:My wife is manager of the Volunteer Centre (Western Isles)

The above Register details the interests which the member has declared under the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc (Scotland) Act 2000 (Register of Interests) Regulations 2003.