Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Council Members

Ward 10: Steornabhagh a Deas

Frances Murray

Frances Murray
WARD 10: Steornabhagh a Deas
Mobile: 07866 915022
Party: SNP

Register of Interests

Remuneration:Occupation Pension
Occasional employment with Acair Publishing Ltd, Stornoway as editor of local interest books
£350 per month from rent paid by tenant at jointly owned property at 16 Scotland Street – 1/3 of this.
Other Roles:
Election Expenses:
Houses, Land and Buildings:6 Goathill Crescent, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis HS1 2TA
16 Scotland Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis owned jointly with sisters
Interest in Shares:
Non-financial Interest:Member and Fellow of EIS
Member of School Leaders, Scotland
Member of General Teaching Council, Scotland
Fellow of Scottish College of Education Leadership
Member of SNP
Secretary of SNP Western Isles CA Branch
Member of SNP National Executive Committee
Close Family Members:Twin sister employed by CnES as teacher of Art

The above Register details the interests which the member has declared under the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc (Scotland) Act 2000 (Register of Interests) Regulations 2003.