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Lews Castle

Useful Websites

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command
Help for and advice about online sexual abuse.

Get expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly.

NSPCC Support for Parents
Parenting can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging. This website has parenting tips for all stages of a child’s life, as well as advice on how to deal with difficult situations.

Parentline Scotland
Every family needs a helping hand sometimes. From moments of crisis, to everyday challenges, Parentline can help. There is a range of support and advice on the website including a chat function and phone line.

Scottish Child Law Centre
Free confidential legal advice service is provided via telephone and email, on all aspects of Scots law relating to children and young people. All calls and emails are answered by fully qualified solicitors.

Thinkuknow is a website to help protect children both online and offline. There are resources for children, young people and parents/carers.

Young Minds
This website has lots of practical advice and tips on supporting your child with mental health – from how to encourage your child to open up about their feelings to dealing with mental health services.