Homeless Service
If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness the Comhairle is here to help. We will provide you with temporary accommodation, if required, until we assess your application and, thereafter, until you find alternative accommodation or are housed permanently. We can also assist you to try and find solutions to help you from becoming homeless in the first place.
The Comhairle has a duty to provide permanent accommodation to anyone assessed as unintentionally homeless who presents to us from the Outer Hebrides or from another Scottish local authority. Your details will be passed to Hebridean Housing Partnership who will assist us in this by adding you to their homeless list. Although you will usually be offered a tenancy much faster than through the general waiting list, it may still take some time. You will be able to remain in temporary accommodation until then. You will be entitled to a maximum of two offers and are entitled to appeal our homelessness assessment of your application as well as any offer of temporary or permanent accommodation.
We also offer a housing support service to anyone who requires it. This support is available to you while you are homeless and until you are settled into your permanent home. We can also refer you to any other service you may require for more specialised support.
Our offices are open Monday – Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm in both Stornoway and Balivanich.
You can present to the Homelessness Service in person or contact us as follows:
- Stornoway (covering Lewis and Harris) – 01851 822821
- Balivanich (covering Uist and Barra) – 01870 602425
- Out of hours – 01851 701702
- Email: hservice@cne-siar.gov.uk
Scottish Housing Regulator Engagement Plan
The Comhairle’s Homelessness Service is regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator. Each year, they review and compare the data across all local authorities and engage with them regarding any areas of concern.