Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Integration Joint Board

The Western Isles Integration Joint Board is a partnership between Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles, along with third and independent sector providers of health and social care

The Integration Joint Board is responsible for planning and funding a range of health and social care services, including GPs, dentistry, social care, community nursing, social work, community health services and some hospital services such as A&E.

Working Together for the Future of Health and Social Care

The Western Isles Health and Social Care Partnership brings together the NHS, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, and the Third and Independent Sectors.

The Partnership is committed to helping people achieve and maintain their best possible level of wellbeing and to work in partnership to create new models of health and social care.

It takes forward the work of the Western Isles Integration Joint Board – a public body formed in 2014 through Scottish Government legislation, now responsible for the planning and delivery of a range of delegated health and social care services across the Western Isles.

Consultation on the Strategic Framework for Health and Social Care 2023 – 2026

First Draft of the Strategic Framework

To improve people’s wellbeing and meet the challenge of sustaining care and support into the future, we are creating the next strategic plan for health and social care.

As part of this process we want to hear from you! We are inviting feedback on the draft document and are looking to involve as many local people as possible. Please find details of how you can get involved in this process below.

Your Views

You can Get involved in the development of the final Strategic Framework by telling us what you think online, in writing or in public.

Online or in writing

Public Meetings

Details of in person and virtual information sessions/ consultations will be shared publicly.

Contact Us

Patient Focus & Public Involvement
Western Isles NHS Board
37 South Beach Street
Western Isles
Telephone: 01851 708069