Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Blue Badge / Direct Payments / Respite Care

Blue Badge

Am I eligible for a Blue Badge? 

If you want to check if you are eligible for a Blue Badge or renew your Blue Badge, you can find this information and apply directly through Transport Scotland.

If you want to know the status of your application, you can phone us on 01851 822 708 or email with your information and we will get back to you. 

Direct Payments

If you have an enquiry about a Direct Payment, you should email with your details and we will get back to you. 
Electronic copies of the Quarterly Monitoring Forms are available below.

Quarterly Monitoring Forms

Respite Care

If you have an enquiry about respite care during office hours you should contact your allocated social worker. If you do not have an allocated social worker, you can call us on 01851 822 708 or email